
You can think of a “Subject” as being a tube that is open at both sides. Whatever you put in on one side, pops out at the other end. Subjects combines both the IAsyncObservable<'a> and IAsyncObserver<'a> interfaces. Whatever you put in (e.g OnNextAsync) at one side (IAsyncObserver<'a>) will come out of the other end (IAsyncObservable<'a>).

The subject in FSharp.AsyncRx is very similar to the classic Subject in ReactiveX. The difference is that a is not a single object, but a tuple of two entangled objects where one implements IAsyncObserver<'a>, and the other implements IAsyncObservable<'a>. This solves the problem of having a single object trying to be two things at once (what is the dual of an ISubject<'a> anyways?).

There are currently 3 types of subjects in AsyncRx, subject, mbSubject and singleSubject.

val subject: unit -> IAsyncObserver<'a> * IAsyncObservable<'a>

The subject will forward any notification pushed to the IAsyncObserver<'a> side to all observers that have subscribed to the IAsyncObservable<'a> side. The subject is hot in the sense that if there are no observers, then the notification will be lost.

let dispatch, obs = AsyncRx.subject ()

let main = async {
    let! sub = obs.SubscribeAsync obv
    do! dispatch.OnNextAsync 42

Async.StartImmediate main ()
val mbSubject: unit -> MailboxProcessor<Notification<'a>> * IAsyncObservable<'a>

The Mailbox Subject is the same as a subject except that the observer is exposed as a MailboxProcessor<Notification<'a>>. The mailbox subject is hot in the sense that if there are no observers, then any pushed notification will be lost.

let dispatch, obs = AsyncRx.mbSubject ()

let main = async {
    let! sub = obs.SubscribeAsync obv
    do dispatch.Post (OnNext 42)

Async.StartImmediate main ()
val singleSubject: unit -> IAsyncObserver<'a> * IAsyncObservable<'a>

The singleSubject will forward any notification pushed to the IAsyncObserver<'a> side to a single observer that have subscribed to the IAsyncObservable<'a> side. The singleSubject is “cold” in the sense that if there’s no-one observing, then the writer will be awaited until there is a subscriber that can observe the value being pushed. You can use a singleSubject in scenarios that requires so called backpressure.

let dispatch, obs = AsyncRx.singleSubject ()

let main = async {
    let! sub = obs.SubscribeAsync obv
    do! dispatch.OnNextAsync 42

Async.StartImmediate main ()