
The following parameterized async observerable returning functions (operators) are currently supported. Other operators may be implemented on-demand, but the goal is to keep it simple and not make this into a full featured ReactiveX implementation (if possible).

To use the operators open either the FSharp.Control namespace.

open FSharp.Control

xs = AsyncRx.single 42

You can also open the FSharp.Control.AsyncRx module if you don’t want to prepend every operator with AsyncRx. Be aware of possible namespace conflicts with operators such as map.

open FSharp.Control.AsyncRx

xs = single 42


Functions for creating ('a -> IAsyncObservable<'a>) an async observable.

val empty: : unit -> IAsyncObservable<'a>

Returns an async observable sequence with no elements. You must usually indicate which type the resulting observable should be since empty itself doesn’t produce any values.



let xs = AsyncRx.empty<int> ()
val single: x:'a -> IAsyncObservable<'a>

Returns an observable sequence containing the single specified element.



let xs = AsyncRx.single 42
val fail: error:exn -> IAsyncObservable<'a>

Returns the observable sequence that terminates exceptionally with the specified exception.


exception MyError of string

let error = MyError "error"
let xs = AsyncRx.fail<int> error
val defer: factory:(unit -> IAsyncObservable<'a>) -> IAsyncObservable<'a>

Returns an observable sequence that invokes the specified factory function whenever a new observer subscribes.

val create: subscribe:(IAsyncObserver<'a> -> Async<IAsyncDisposable>) -> IAsyncObservable<'a>

Creates an async observable (AsyncObservable<’a>) from the given subscribe function.

val ofSeq: seq<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'a>

Returns the async observable sequence whose elements are pulled from the given enumerable sequence.

val ofAsyncSeq: AsyncSeq<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'a>

Convert async sequence into an async observable (Not available in Fable).

val timer: int -> IAsyncObservable<int>

Returns an observable sequence that triggers the value 0 after the given duetime.

val interval: int -> IAsyncObservable<int>

Returns an observable sequence that triggers the increasing sequence starting with 0 after the given period.


Functions for transforming (IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'b>) an async observable.

val map: mapper:('a -> 'b) -> source: IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'b>

Returns an observable sequence whose elements are the result of invoking the mapper function on each element of the source.



let mapper x = x * 10

let xs = AsyncRx.single 42 |> AsyncRx.map mapper
val mapi: mapper:('a*int -> 'b) -> IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'b>

Returns an observable sequence whose elements are the result of invoking the mapper function and incorporating the element’s index on each element of the source.


val mapAsync: ('a -> Async<'b>) -> IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'b>

Returns an observable sequence whose elements are the result of invoking the async mapper function on each element of the source.


val mapiAsync: ('a*int -> Async<'b>) -> IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'b>

Returns an observable sequence whose elements are the result of invoking the async mapper function by incorporating the element’s index on each element of the source.

val flatMap: ('a -> IAsyncObservable<'b>) -> IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'b>

Projects each element of an observable sequence into an observable sequence and merges the resulting observable sequences back into one observable sequence.

val flatMapi: ('a*int -> IAsyncObservable<'b>) -> IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'b>

Projects each element of an observable sequence into an observable sequence by incorporating the element’s index on each element of the source. Merges the resulting observable sequences back into one observable sequence.

val flatMapAsync: ('a -> Async\<IAsyncObservable\<'b\>\>) -> IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'b>

Asynchronously projects each element of an observable sequence into an observable sequence and merges the resulting observable sequences back into one observable sequence.

val flatMapiAsync: ('a*int -> Async<IAsyncObservable\<'b\>\>) -> IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'b>

Asynchronously projects each element of an observable sequence into an observable sequence by incorporating the element’s index on each element of the source. Merges the resulting observable sequences back into one observable sequence.

val flatMapLatest: ('a -> IAsyncObservable<'b>) -> IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'b>

Transforms the items emitted by an source sequence into observable streams, and mirror those items emitted by the most-recently transformed observable sequence.

val flatMapLatestAsync: ('a -> Async<IAsyncObservable\<'b\>\>) -> IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'b>

Asynchronosly transforms the items emitted by an source sequence into observable streams, and mirror those items emitted by the most-recently transformed observable sequence.

val catch: (exn -> IAsyncObservable<'a>) -> IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'a>

Returns an observable sequence containing the first sequence’s elements, followed by the elements of the handler sequence in case an exception occurred.


Functions for filtering (IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'a>) an async observable.

val filter: predicate:('a -> bool) -> IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'a>

Filters the elements of an observable sequence based on a predicate. Returns an observable sequence that contains elements from the input sequence that satisfy the condition.



let predicate x = x < 3

let xs = AsyncRx.ofSeq <| seq { 1..5 } |> AsyncRx.filter predicate
val filterAsync: ('a -> Async<bool>) -> IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'a>

Filters the elements of an observable sequence based on an async predicate. Returns an observable sequence that contains elements from the input sequence that satisfy the condition.

val distinctUntilChanged: IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'a>

Return an observable sequence only containing the distinct contiguous elementsfrom the source sequence.

val takeUntil: IAsyncObservable<'b> -> IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'a>

Returns the values from the source observable sequence until the other observable sequence produces a value.

val choose: ('a -> 'b option) -> IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'b>

Applies the given function to each element of the stream and returns the stream comprised of the results for each element where the function returns Some with some value.

val chooseAsync: ('a -> Async<'b option>) -> IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'b>

Applies the given async function to each element of the stream and returns the stream comprised of the results for each element where the function returns Some with some value.


val scan: initial:'s -> accumulator:('s -> 'a -> 's) -> source: IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'s>

Applies an accumulator function over an observable sequence for every value ‘a and returns each intermediate result ‘s. The initial seed value is used as the initial accumulator value. Returns an observable sequence containing the accumulated values ‘s.


let scanner a x = a + x

let xs = AsyncRx.ofSeq <| seq { 1..5 } |> AsyncRx.scan 0 scanner
val scanAsync: initial: 's -> accumulator: ('s -> 'a -> Async<'s>) -> source: IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'s>

Applies an async accumulator function over an observable sequence and returns each intermediate result. The seed value is used as the initial accumulator value. Returns an observable sequence containing the accumulated values.


let scannerAsync a x = async { return a + x }

let xs = AsyncRx.ofSeq <| seq { 1..5 } |> AsyncRx.scanAsync 0 scannerAsync
val groupBy: keyMapper: ('a -> 'g) -> source: IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<IAsyncObservable<'a>>

Groups the elements of an observable sequence according to a specified key mapper function. Returns a sequence of observable groups, each of which corresponds to a given key.


let xs = AsyncRx.ofSeq [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6]
    |> AsyncRx.groupBy (fun x -> x % 2)
    |> AsyncRx.flatMap (fun x -> x)


Functions for combining multiple async observables into one.

val merge: IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'a>

Merges an observable sequence with another observable sequence.

val mergeInner: IAsyncObservable\<IAsyncObservable<'a>\> -> IAsyncObservable<'a>

Merges an observable sequence of observable sequences into an observable sequence.

val switchLatest: IAsyncObservable<IAsyncObservable<'a>> -> IAsyncObservable<'a>

Transforms an observable sequence of observable sequences into an observable sequence producing values only from the most recent observable sequence.

val concat: seq<IAsyncObservable<'a>> -> IAsyncObservable<'a>

Concatenates an observable sequence with another observable sequence.

val startWith: seq<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'a>

Prepends a sequence of values to an observable sequence. Returns the source sequence prepended with the specified values.

val combineLatest: IAsyncObservable<'b> -> IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'a*'b>

Merges the specified observable sequences into one observable sequence by combining elements of the sources into tuples. Returns an observable sequence containing the combined results.

val withLatestFrom: IAsyncObservable<'b> -> IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'a*'b>

Merges the specified observable sequences into one observable sequence by combining the values into tuples only when the first observable sequence produces an element. Returns the combined observable sequence.

val zipSeq: seq<'b> -> IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'a*'b>

Zip given sequence with source. Combines one and one item from each stream into one tuple.


Functions for time-shifting (IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'a>) an async observable.

val delay: int -> IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'a>

Time shifts the observable sequence by the given timeout. The relative time intervals between the values are preserved.

val debounce: int -> IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'a>

Ignores values from an observable sequence which are followed by another value before the given timeout.

val sample: msecs: int -> source: IAsyncObservable<'a> -> IAsyncObservable<'a>

Samples the observable sequence at each interval.


Functions for leaving (IAsyncObservable<'a> -> 'a) the async observable.

val toAsyncSeq: IAsyncObservable<'a> -> AsyncSeq<'a>

(Not available in Fable)