Getting Started

To use Fable.Reaction you need to create an instance of a streamComponent. The streamComponent works almost the same way as an Elmish application taking an initial model, a view and and update function. In addition it takes a stream function that transforms the stream of dispatched messages before they reach the update function.

open FSharp.Control.AsyncRx // 1. Enable AsyncRx
open Fable.Reaction // 2. Enable Fable Reaction

let update (currentModel : Model) (msg : Msg) : Model =

let view (model : Model) (dispatch : (Msg -> unit)) =

let stream model msgs = // 3. Add the reactive stream
    |> AsyncRx.delay 1000
    |> AsyncRx.toStream "msgs"

let app = Reaction.streamComponent(initialModel, view, update, stream)
mountById "reaction-app" (ofFunction app () [])

Loading initial State

To load initial state from the server without using commands (Cmd) you create an Async Observable using ofPromise and then concat the result into the message stream. Thus the message stream in the example below will start with the initialCountLoaded message.

// Add open statements to top of file
open Fable.Reaction

let loadCount =
    ofPromise (fetchAs<int> "/api/init" [])
        |> (Ok >> InitialCountLoaded)
        |> AsyncRx.catch (Error >> InitialCountLoaded >> single)
        |> AsyncRx.toStream "loading"

let stream model msgs =
    match model with
    | Loading ->
    | _ ->

Using Fable.Reaction with Elmish

Fable.Reaction can be used all by itself without Elmish. But if you want to use Fable Reaction with Elmish you just add the Fable.Reaction component to the Elmish view like any other element such as e.g div and str. A Fable.Reaction component produces a ReactElement that can be used anywhere in your view such as with the autocomplete component below.

let view (model: Model) (dispatch : Dispatch<Msg>) =
    Container.container [] [
        h1 [] [
            str "Search Wikipedia"
        autocomplete { Search=searchWikipedia; Dispatch = Select >> dispatch; DebounceTimeout=750 }

        div [ Style [ MarginTop "30px" ]] [
            match model.Selection with
            | Some selection ->
                yield str "Selection: "
                yield str selection
            | None -> ()

Doing side effects per message

In the example below we flat map (map and merge) the result of querying Wikipedia back into the message stream. The flatMapLatest operator is a combination of the map and switchLatest operators. This operator works like flatMap but will auto-cancel any ongoing fetch operation if a new query is made before the previous result is ready.

// Add open statements to top of file
open Fable.Reaction

let stream model msgs =
    |> AsyncRx.choose Msg.asKeyboardEvent
    |> targetValue
    |> AsyncRx.filter (fun term -> term.Length > 2 || term.Length = 0)
    |> AsyncRx.debounce 750          // Pause for 750ms
    |> AsyncRx.distinctUntilChanged  // Only if the value has changed
    |> AsyncRx.flatMapLatest searchWikipedia
    |> AsyncRx.toStream "msgs"