============ Introduction ============ FSharp.Control.AsyncRx is a library for asynchronous and reactive programming, and is an implementation of Async Observables (`ReactiveX `_) for F# and `Fable `_. FSharp.Control.AsyncRx makes it easy to compose and combine streams of asynchronous event based data such as timers, mouse-moves, keyboard input, web requests and enables you to do operations such as: - Filter - Transform - Aggregate - Combine - Time-shift FSharp.Control.AsyncRx was designed spesifically for targeting `Fable `_ which means that the code may be `transpiled `_ to JavaScript, and thus the same F# code may be used both client and server side for full stack software development. See :doc:`/fable.elmish/index` for use of FSharp.Control.AsyncRx with Elmish and the model view update (MVU) style architecture.